LOCATION: The Garage Chi Gym
2501 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
Chicago, IL 60622
TIME: TBD (morning)
CAPACITY: 24 Teams
TEAMS: 5 Athletes Per Team
3 male & 2 females - or - 3 females & 2 males TEAM REGISTRATION: $100 Buy-in per team | Funds donated to Gigi Playhouse, and teams are encouraged to continue fundraising efforts.
2024 PROGRAM: 5 Stations
Station 1: 3RM BB Deadlift For Max Weight | Participants: One MALE and one FEMALE from the team
Station 2: AMRAP Flat Bench Press 135lbs/85lbs For Reps | Participants: One MALE and one FEMALE from the team
Station 3: 400M 2KB Farmers Carry For Time | Participants: Two persons from the team
Station 4: 20 Burpee and 20 Cal Bike Relay For Time | Participants: Three persons from the team
Station 5: 4500M Team Race For Time Complete in order: 1500M Ski,1500M Row, and 1500M Treadmill | Participants: Five persons from the team #everyone
Station 1: Each team uses one Barbell within an 8 min time-cap. Barbells cannot be loaded until the challenge begins. Teammates can load plates once the challenge starts. Teams choose the order of athletes; the second starts after the first finishes. The goal is to perform as many unbroken reps as possible in 8 mins adhering to the movement standard: lying on a bench, lowering the barbell to the chest, then pressing it to full arm extension. Racking the bar or a failed rep ends the attempt. The team's score is the total reps completed by both athletes.
Station 2: Each athlete will use their own barbell. Male and female athletes from the same team will use separate barbells. Barbells cannot be preloaded; Teammates cannot assist with loading. The goal is to achieve the maximum weight for 3 reps in 8 mins using a standard deadlift technique (sumo-style deadlifts are not permitted). The team's total weight lifted is the combined sum of weights lifted by the male and female athletes on the team.
Station 3: Male and Female KB Weight: 2x53lbs Male and Male KB Weight: 2x53lbs Female and Female KB Weight: 2x36lbs Each team will pick two athletes to complete this station with one pair of kettlebells. The goal is to carry one pair of kettlebells for 400 meters (unbroken) without putting them down—fastest time wins. If anyone on your team drops the kettlebells, both athletes must perform 10 synchronized goblet squats using one kettlebell each. They must squat below parallel before resuming the rest of the carry. Chalk is permitted for this event. Time stops when both athletes cross the finish line or until 8 min time cap ends.
Station 4: Male and Female KB Weight: 2x53lbs Male and Male KB Weight: 2x53lbs Female and Female KB Weight: 2x36lbs Each team will pick two athletes to complete this station with one pair of kettlebells. The goal is to carry one pair of kettlebells for 400 meters (unbroken) without putting them down—fastest time wins. If anyone on your team drops the kettlebells, both athletes must perform 10 synchronized goblet squats using one kettlebell each. They must squat below parallel before resuming the rest of the carry. Time Cap: 8 mins. Time stops when both athletes cross the finish line. Chalk is permitted for this event.
Station 5: Every team member must participate in each of the following conditioning movements consecutively for time: 1500M Ski 1500M Row 1500M Treadmill Run Each conditioning movement has a 10 mins time cap. Athletes are allowed to adjust the damper settings on the Ski and Row. The fastest team to complete the total 4500 conditioning meters consecutively wins.